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2013 Year-end Banquet

Announcer: Views:2126

January 20, 2013, the 2013 company annual meeting and year-end banquet were held in Xiamen Lushan Hotel. Except for our company staff, the key customers and industry leaders were also invited. During the activity, general manager Mr. Jiang delivered an important speech, the senior leader awarded certificate and bonus to excellent performers and outstanding employees. The activity ended with happy and harmonious atmosphere.

  2013 Year-end Banquet ceremoniously started with congratulations of the comperes.

  First, general manager Mr. Jiang made the 2013 final report and gave the new year blessing.

  The happy laughters and cheerful voices pushed the party to a new high.

  A song for everybody

 Warm and sweet chorus “Loving family”

  Humorous sketch

  The adjudication board consisting of senior leaders objectively gave scores after earnest appreciation to each show.

  The staff seriously calculated the scores after the show and selected the first prize, second prize and third prize.

  The award ceremony pushed the party to another new high.

  The first prize 

  The second prize

  The third prize

  After the award ceremony, the clinking glasses started the splendid banquet.

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